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Facility: LEAP
Name Model Description External Rate Internal Rate
Nikon Stereo Microscope Nikon Stereo microscope SMZ800N

Manual stereo microscope with trinocular setup for magnification range from 10-70x, includes Nikon Elements-D software for image capture, measurement and annotations.

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Optical fiber fusion splicer HJ Optronics PFS 500

Portable fiber cleaving and fusion spicing for single mode, multimode and PM fibers

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NX20 Park Systems AFM NX20

200 mm platen with motorized XY stage, AFM supports contact, non-contact and tapping modes as well as other advanced electrical, mechanical and thermal scanning modes. Includes SmartScan scanning and XEI software for image processing. 

$150 / hr. Self Use
$300 / hr. Training
$300 / hr. Assisted Use
$35 / hr. Self Use
$110 / hr. Training
$110 / hr. Assisted Use
Keysight fiber laser and detector rack Photonic Integrated Circuit Testing Rack Keysight 8164B, Keysight 81606A, Keysight 81606A, Keysight N7744A, Keysight 86120D, Keysight N7786B

This rack contains tunable fiber lasers (centered on 1310 nm, and 1550 nm), a polarization synthesizer, and optical wavelength and power meters for testing photonic integrated circuits on the MapleLeaf Photonics and FormFactor Probe Stations. 

$60 / hr. Self Use
$160 / hr. Training
$160 / hr. Assisted Use
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Spin Coater Spin Coater CEE

Spin coater to accommodate substrates from mm to 200 mm or 7"x7" substrates USB and ethernet ports for uploading or downloading recipe parameters, max spin speed 12,000 rpm.

included in cleanroom rate included in cleanroom rate
KUB UV Lightbox UV Exposure System UV Kub 2

UV curing system with 385 nn LED array, can be used as course photolithography system with mask in direct contact.

included in cleanroom rate included in cleanroom rate
Xenics Bobcat VSWIR camera Visible & Short Wave Infrared camera (vSWIR) Xenics Bobcat 640

visible and shortwave infrared (vSWIR) camera 640x512 resolution and 100 Hz frame rate with GigE interface. Includes 50 mm focal length C-mount lens and is also compatible with Navitar 12x telecentric zoom lens. Can be incorporated into the MapleLeaf Photonics Probe stations for fiber alignment and imaging.

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Nexview Nexview NX2 ZYGO 3D Optical Profilometer Nexview NX2

Coherence Scanning Interferometer (CSI) microscope for non-contact 2D and 3D surface profiling, includes 2.75x, 10x, and 50x objective lenses. Motorized 200 mm x 200 mm stage with 100 mm of Z travel allows for automated measurements and image stitching. Uses MX v8 software. 

$100 / hr. Self Use
$200 / hr. Training
$200 / hr. Assisted use
$35 / hr. Self Use
$85 / hr. Training
$85 / hr. Assisted use
Facility: LSBC
Name Model Description External Rate Internal Rate
ChemiDocXR photo ChemiDoc BioRad ChemiDoc XRS

BioRad ChemiDoc XRS molecular imager, chemiluminescence, fluorescence, colorimetric detection, HQ2 CCD Camera. 

Primarily used for molecular imaging of diverse biological assays. 

Quantity One software

$135/hr assisted
$105/hr unassisted
CD Photo Circular Dichroism Spectrophotometer (CD) Jasco J-1500

Jasco J-1500 circular dichroism spectrophotometer (CD), 1cm path length, Peltier sample temperature control, fluorescence accessories. 

Primarily used for secondary structure determination of proteins. 

Spectra Manager software

$135/hr assisted
$105/hr unassisted
TGA photo Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) Netzsch 214 Polyma

Netzsch 214 Polyma DSC (differential scanning calorimeter), -40°C to 600°C, requires Concavus pans/lids.  TGA of your material must be run before you can use this instrument.

Primarily used for quantitative characterization of diverse solids. 

Proteus 80 software

$135/hr assisted
$105/hr unassisted
FACS photo Flow Cytometer (FACS) BectonDickinson Accuri C6

BectonDickinson Accuri C6+ flow cytometer, dual lasers (488nm blue and 640nm red), dual light scatter detectors (forward 0° ± 13° and side 90° ± 13°), four channel emission detection (533/30nm, 585/40nm, >670nm, 675/25nm), 200mm ID flow cell. 

Primarily used for analysis of cellular processes and…

$135/hr assisted
$105/hr unassisted
Fluorescence spectrophotometer photo Fluorescence Spectrometer Hitachi F-4500

Hitachi F-4500 Fluorescence spectrophotometer, R298 photomultiplier, 200-900nm, 1cm cuvette (four polished windows). 

Primarily used for diverse bioanalytical assays. 

FL Solutions software

$135/hr assisted
$105/hr unassisted
FT-IR photo Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FT-IR) Bruker Optics Vertex 70

Bruker Optics Vertex 70 FT-IR, Specac Golden Gate ATR and various sampling accessories,

Primarily used to acquire mid-IR spectra (~4000cm-1 to ~750cm-1) of solids and solutions. 

OPUS software

$135/hr assisted
$105/hr unassisted
GC-MS Photo Gas Chromotography - Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) Agilent 7890B GC

Agilent 7890B GC, Agilent DB-5ms Ultra Inert column (30m x 0.25mm x 0.25mm), ~45°C to 325°C, Agilent 7693 autosampler with 150 sample tray, and Agilent 5977A single quadrupole MSD (Extractor EI source, triple-axis detector, turbo pump), unit resolution m/z. 

Primarily used to separate, quantitate, and…

$135/hr assisted
$105/hr unassisted
GF-AAS Photo Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (GF-AAS) Perkin Elmer PinAAcle 900z

Perkin Elmer PinAAcle 900z graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer (GF-AAS), longitudinal Zeeman furnace, dual beam, AS 900 Autosampler (148 vessel positions). 

Primarily used for quantitative single-element microanalysis of aqueous solutions at ppt working concentrations.  Available hollow cathode lamps include Cu…

Pricing determined by project needs
ICP-OES photo Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emisssion Spectrometer (ICP-OES) Perkin Elmer Optima 8000 CROSS FLOW

Perkin Elmer Optima 8000 CROSS FLOW inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES), Scott spray chamber, cross flow nebulizer, flat plate plasma, CCD array detector, axial and radial acquisition modes, S10 autosampler (157 vessel positions). 

Primarily used for quantitative multi-element…

Pricing determined by project needs
LC-MS Photo Liquid Chromotography - Mass Spectrometer (LC-MS) Analytical-scale Agilent 1200 HPLC stack

Analytical-scale Agilent 1200 HPLC stack (400bar max, degasser, bin pump, HiP ALS -108 sample capacity, TCC, DAD w/10uL flow cell), two ES Industries Epic C-18 MSO columns (50x2.1mm 2.3mm 150Å), acidic (formic acid/acetonitrile) and basic (ammonium acetate/acetonitrile) gradient chromatography conditions, Agilent 6130A single quadrupole MSD (…

$135/hr assisted
$105/hr unassisted
Lyophilizer photo Lyophilizer SP Scientific VirTis BenchTop Pro ZL

SP Scientific VirTis BenchTop Pro ZL lyophilizer, Omnitronics controller, 12 port tree-type stainless steel manifold, -105°C 8L condenser, ~50mT vacuum. 

Primarily used to freeze dry diverse materials.

$135/hr assisted
$105/hr unassisted
NanoDrop photo Microvolume and Cuvette Spectrophotometer Thermo Scientific NanoDrop 2000c

Thermo Scientific NanoDrop 2000c microvolume and cuvette spectrophotometer, 1-2mL (microvolume) or 1cm cuvette, 190-840nm.  Bacteria/yeast/cells prohibited.  Not for cell growth analysis (colorimetric or densitometry). 

Primarily used for protein/peptide analysis. 

$135/hr assisted
$105/hr unassisted