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Facility: PracticePoint
Name Model Description External Rate Internal Rate
Hillrom 1500 Patient Monitor ICU Patient Monitor Hillrom 1500

Hillrom 1500 patient monitor for measurement of non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP), intra-arterial blood pressure (IBP), end-tidal CO2, SpO2, 3 lead ECG, and body temperature. 

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$0 / hr. Self Use
$50 / hr. Training
$50 / hr. Assisted Use
Universal Laser Laser Cutter Universal Laser Systems PLS6.150D

150W dual laser sysem with 32" x 18" x 8.5" workspace. This laser cutter is capable of processing acrylic, wood, and other select plastics.

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$0 / hr. Self Use
$50 / hr. Training
$50 / hr. Assisted Use
Markforged Mark Two Markforged Mark Two Markforged Mark Two

FDM 3D printer with 320X132X154mm build volume and minimum layer height of 100 microns. The printer uses a proprietary "Onyx" base material composed of nylon impregnated with chopped carbon fiber. Layers of carbon fiber, fiberglass, or kevlar fiber reinforcement can be added between layers.

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Markforged Metal X Markforged Metal X Markforged Metal X

Metal 3D printing process composing of an FDM 3D printer, a wash station, and a sintering oven. Parts can be printed with stainless steel, inconel, tool steel, or copper.

currently out of service currently out of service
Vicon Motion Capture Motion Capture System Vicon Vantage V5

10 Camera marker-based motion capture system with sub mm accuracy and full room capture volume. Installed in purpose-built motion capture lab and integrated with other biomechanics tools

$35 / hr. Member Rate
$35 / hr. Member Rate - Assisted Use / Training
$125 / hr. Non-Member Rate
$275 / hr. Non-Member Assisted Use / Training
$25 / hr. Self Use
$75 / hr. Training
$75 / hr. Assisted Use
MRI Machine MRI Machine GE Signa Premiere 3.0T

3T MRI with 70cm bore. Full suite of imaging coils and scan sequence options. The MRI can be used for IRB approved human subject imaging, device testing, and phantom imaging.

$550 / hr. Member Rate
$650 / hr. Member Rate - Assisted Use / Training
$935 / hr. Non-Member Rate
$1,085 / hr. Non-Member Assisted Use / Training
$350 / hr. Self Use
$400 / hr. Training
$400 / hr. Assisted Use
Nursing Mannequin Nursing Simulation Mannequin Juno Complete Skills Manikin

Juno Complete Skills Manikin is designed to teach clinical nursing skills, from task training through advanced patient care scenarios.

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$0 / hr. Self Use
$50 / hr. Training
$50 / hr. Assisted Use
NDI Polaris Vega ST Optical Tracking System for Surgical Tools Polaris Vega ST

NDI Polaris Vega ST optical tracker designed for surgical navigation applications. The tracking bar contains 2 cameras which localize passive reflective markers that are attached to surgical instruments. 

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$0 / hr. Self Use
$50 / hr. Training
$50 / hr. Assisted Use
Stryker Endoscope System Rigid Endoscope Camera System Stryker HD-1288

HD Camera head and light source for use with rigid endoscopes. A small selection of standard rigid scopes are available for use.

contact for more info Included with OR rate
Split vision system for surface mount electronics Split-Vision SMT Rework System Manncorp RW1210

Rework station for soldering fine-pitch components with hidden pads. The rework station has two cameras to simultaneously look at and align the circuit board footprint with the bottom of the surface mount component. Places components to within 0.01mm accuracy.

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$0 / hr. Self Use
$50 / hr. Training
$50 / hr. Assisted Use
Protomax Water Jet Cutter ProtoMAX

Waterjet cutter with 12"X12" workspace and 30,000 PSI pump. This waterjet can process most materials including metals, plastics, and ceramics.

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$0 / hr. Self Use
$0 / hr. Training
$0 / hr. Assisted Use
Delsys EMG Wireless EMG/IMU System Delsys Trigno

16 Channel wireless EMG system with 16 avanti surface mount EMG sensors for measuring muscle activation. These sensors also include accelerometer, gyro, and magentometer measurements for quantifying body motion.

$25 / hr. Member Rate
$125 / hr. Member Rate - Assisted Use / Training
$95 / hr. Non-Member Rate
$245 / hr. Non-Member Assisted Use / Training
$18 / hr. Self Use
$68 / hr. Training
$68 / hr. Assisted Use
Facility: Metal Processing Labs
Name Model Description External Rate Internal Rate
Extec LabCut 300 Abrasive Saw Abrasive Saw Extec LabCut 300

Supports up to 12" abrasive blades with a max speed of 4000rpm.  Supports a variety of blades for different materials and creates smooth cuts.  Primarily used to cut aluminum and steel pieces.  Uses coolant while cutting.

$40.00/hr. Self Use
$90.00/hr. Training
$90/hr. Assisted Use
$20.00/hr. Self Use
$40.00/hr. Training
$40.00/hr. Assisted Use
Ryobi Belt Sander Belt Sander Ryobi belt/disc sander BD4601

Uses 4" x 36" belts and used primarily for sanding specimen for use on Spark OES.

n/a n/a
Baker Model 6 Box Furnace Box Furnace Baker Model 6

Max temperature of 1000 C, chamber size is 6" x 6" x 6.5", programmable

$40.00/hr. Self Use
$90.00/hr. Training
$90.00/hr. Assisted Use
$20.00/hr. Self Use
$40.00/hr. Training
$40.00/hr. Assisted Use
SentroTech ST-1600C-445 Box Furnace Box Furnace SentroTech ST-1600C-445

Max temperature of 1400 C, chamber size 4"W x 4"H x 5"D

$40.00/hr. Self Use
$90.00/hr. Training
$90.00/hr. Assisted Use
$20.00/hr. Self Use
$40.00/hr. Training
$40.00/hr. Assisted Use
Thermolyne 48000 Box Furnace Box Furnace Thermolyne 48000

Max temperature of 1093 C, chamber size 7"W x 5"H x 10"D

$40.00/hr. Self Use
$90.00/hr. Training
$90.00/hr. Assisted Use
$20.00/hr. Self Use
$40.00/hr. Training
$40.00/hr. Assisted Use
Mellen Microtherm 1250 Box Furnace #2 Box Furnace Mellen Microtherm 1250

Max temperature of 1150 C, chamber size is 9" x 9" x 9", programmable 

$40.00/hr. Self Use
$90.00/hr. Training
$90.00/hr. Assisted Use
$20.00/hr. Self Use
$40.00/hr. Training
$40.00/hr. Assisted Use
Mellen Microtherm 1250 Box Furnace #1 Box Furnace Mellen Microtherm 1250

Max temperature of 1150 C, chamber size is 9" x 9" x 9", programmable 

$40.00/hr. Self Use
$90.00/hr. Training
$90.00/hr. Assisted Use
$20.00/hr. Self Use
$40.00/hr. Training
$40.00/hr. Assisted Use
Thermolyne 30400 Box Furnace Box Furnace Barnstead Thermolyne 30400

Max temperature of 982 C, chamber size is 14" x 14" x 14", programmable 

$40.00/hr. Self Use
$90.00/hr. Training
$90/hr. Assisted Use
$20.00/hr. Self Use
$40.00/hr. Training
$40.00/hr. Assisted Use